The South African Defence Force (SADF), unique among Cold War militaries, sported distinctive Nutria Brown uniforms. Initially clad in older British patterned uniforms, South Africa would transition out of older khakis into the unique earth tone colors of Nutria Brown in 1971. Surprisingly effective in the dark bush of Southern Africa, Nutria Brown garments saw widespread adoption, from the regular national serviceman, to the most elite special forces operators. In all elements of South Africa's armed forces, Nutria Brown represented the distinctive look of South Africa' Border War. Without a standardized camouflage pattern for members of the SADF during the course of the war, Nutria Brown was used for uniforms, jumpsuits, headdress, and even webbing. Ultimately, camo won out, as evidenced by testing conducted by the SADF in the early 1990s as they fielded preliminary examples of what would become the Soldier 2000 pattern. The distinctive "Browns" would be replaced in 1994, coinciding with the end of Apartheid and the formation of the new SANDF. However, given the proven effectiveness of Nutria Brown, the distinctive color remains in service with various paramilitary and anti-poaching organizations. It remains in relatively widespread use, due to extremely restrictive laws across Africa, in regards to the non-military usage and wear of camouflage.
There remains a fair amount of surplus Nutria Brown uniforms from the SADF era, given it's widespread adoption, long service life, and the huge quantities that were manufactured for the tens of thousands of National Servicemen being drafted for South Africa's Border War. Partially due to this fact, we're the first to "modernize" this old school African color, in garments suited to today's environment. The result is something that the troopies of old would have greatly desired, Nutria Brown in modern cuts. These cuts are particularly ideal for those who wish to operate in jurisdictions with strict laws on camouflage usage, particularly in Southern Africa. They also offer the wearer a bit of old school South African flair with modern utility, making it perfect for whatever unique adventures they encounter.
Vintage colors in modern cuts remains our bread and butter here at Fireforce Ventures, and we're pleased to be breathing life into a fascinatingly distinctive shade of brown.
- 65% cotton and 35% polyester construction in a 1-to-1 reproduction of South African Defence Force Nutria Brown color
- "Kaplyn" ("Border") nomenclature - corresponding to Fireforce Ventures' Operator Cap
- Extremely lightweight construction, weighing in at only 2.6 oz or 79 grams
- Front velcro panel
- Rear velcro name tape panel
- Top velcro IR panel
- Rear adjustment velcro strap w/ external hook velcro hook paneling
- Reinforced internal seams and construction for longevity
Fully adjustable, one size fit all!
All prices are in United States Dollars (USD). We ship internationally!