Rhodesia was super!
Adopted right after the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (U.D.I), this standard represented the great Republic of Rhodesia (1965-1979). The flag itself features motifs of Cecil Rhodes' personal coat of arms, and the iconic soapstone bird of the Great Zimbabwe, making it a true marvel of vexillology. With the poignant motto "Sit Nomine Digna" (Latin: "May She Be Worthy Of The Name"), it pays tribute in equal parts to the African heritage of the Shona and Ndebele, as well as the early pioneers who settled what would become Southern Rhodesia.
Before you even ask, no, this is not a "white supremacist" symbol - you are a literal brainlet if you think so. Significant design elements of the flag patch continue to be utilized in modern day Zimbabwe. This flag strictly represents the men and women of all races who served in the Rhodesian Bush War to prevent what became one of the most autocratic regimes in Africa, under Robert Mugabe. Any use by "white supremacists" or claims by "professional journalists" that the flag represents racism is historically illiterate. Buy it or burn it - it's your right under the 1st Amendment.
We have produced these flags in-house with major updates to earlier iterations, making it well worth the investment!